Running a few miles in a "new" pair of shoes

If you're reading this, it probably means you were navigated to my blog through a random filter or unsuccessful search engine. Unfortunate for you, good for me. If you read my blog you will find out that I am a 20-something, overweight female who picked up a pair of running shoes one day and decided to go for a jog. This is where I document my journey toward becoming an avid "runner", whatever that is. It may seem like a silly experiment, and it is. But it's also more than that. I am running for health, happiness and strength. I'm running to live.

Monday, January 18, 2010


So there was a random blizzard last night. Winds kept me up all night, and when I woke up the streets (and sidewalks) were covered in slush and snow. Just as I was trying to decide whether or not I should brave the weather for a run it started to snow again. That was enough of a sign for me.

After trying a Pilates video last night (and I discovering that I'm about as flexible as a pretzel stick) I decided to try to find some kind of cardio on my Netflix Instant Queue. The best I could do were a few different "dance" mixes. Apparently the word "dance" is used very broadly. These people looked ridiculous (as did I, to any peeping neighbors who may have witnessed my half-hearted attempt). I just couldn't get into it, and finally stopped about 10 minutes in.

Screw that, I thought. I can dance. I don't need a bunch of cheerleaders in matching spandex showing me how. So I created an upbeat, hip-hop-ish station on Pandora (Norah Jones just wasn't going to cut it), closed the blinds, and danced! It was fun... for all of two songs. And then I suddenly started hacking up a lung. I think all of the flem and congestion from my head cold is just now getting around to coughing itself up. Sorry if you're lunch ended up on your keyboard there ...

Anyway. I think the extent of my cardio for the rest of today will involve cleaning my apartment. The insanity that is graduate school starts up again tomorrow, and I'm actually looking forward to starting classes. I am pretty sure my brain has gone to mush in the six weeks I've been sitting at home ignoring adult responsibilities; I can hear it sloshing around in there when I tilt my head. Hmm ... or maybe that is the flem?

Hopefully having a class and work schedule will give me the opportunity to stick to a running schedule as well. Right now, it looks like I'll be running Mondays, Wednesdays, and at least once on the weekends. Those are the days I don't have to commute. I may throw another one in there once I see how the current schedule is working. I really need to find more opportunities to run, because flipping off the TV is getting old.

Oh... and I think I may have some ideas for some running related, long-term relief efforts in Haiti. But more on that when I find out more. Suddenly I'm craving pretzel sticks... must go find some.

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