Running a few miles in a "new" pair of shoes

If you're reading this, it probably means you were navigated to my blog through a random filter or unsuccessful search engine. Unfortunate for you, good for me. If you read my blog you will find out that I am a 20-something, overweight female who picked up a pair of running shoes one day and decided to go for a jog. This is where I document my journey toward becoming an avid "runner", whatever that is. It may seem like a silly experiment, and it is. But it's also more than that. I am running for health, happiness and strength. I'm running to live.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

... And so I ran.

It wasn't as long of a run as I thought - less than 10 minutes I'd say - but it was very cold! The chill was, at first, invigorating, and I felt great. But during the incline on the way back, the cold made it more difficult to breathe, and I found it hurting my lungs and my throat. If it weren't for that, I feel like I could have ran more, and even would have liked to.

After googling "Cold weather running", (the clear authority on running...) suggested that I dress as if it's 20 degrees warmer than it is, which I think I did; I wore workout shorts and a light sweatshirt and it's about 28 degrees. But it also suggested wearing a head scarf or other covering for your head - which may have been my problem. Yeah, okay. This seems obvious in hindsight. I don't know if I have anything like this - but maybe I can wear a sweatshirt that I can pull over my mouth/nose a bit while running until I find something. That way I can look even more like a newbie nincompoop than I already do, which would be a total plus.

Now before my snot starts dripping onto my keyboard, I am going to hop in the shower and make myself a cup of tea (good for hydration and my now-scratchy throat). Feeling tentatively good about my first adventure in this faster-paced world!

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